
Lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios
Lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios

lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios

You know what José Bergamín once stated, "Seeking the roots is the underground way the aerial being takes to beat about the bush". Not only are they radical because of their extreme artistic projects but also because of the fact that they either get to the roots, in which they are well versed, or literally are the roots. With PERRATE -Tomás Fernández Soto, formerly Tomás de Perrate-, the characteristic of radical flamenco artists takes on its most profound meaning. Though most people would not kill animals just to have a peaceful household, el mancebo does what he feels is necessary for his own safety from his devil of a wife.¿Por qué me manda a mí Dios este castigo? El mancebo does what he needs to do to obtain the obedience of his wife, killing a dog, horse, and cat to make her fear his actions. Violence The violence in the story is not realistic, but proves the moral of the story that first impressions are key. El suegro tries this after el mancebo, but his actions don't breed results because his wife and he have known each other for too long. El mancebo kills the dog, cat and horse to intimidate his wife to make her obedient, and she serves him without question. The moral of the story First impressions (primera impresión) are key to make someone think you are something you may not be. This emphasizes the theme that first impressions are key.

lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios

She ridicules him, saying they have known each other too long for his actions to have effect. La suegra de mancebo tells this to her husband because he killed un gallo to try the action of el mancebo to make his wife obedient. En verdad, don Fulano, que os decidis muy tarde, porque de nada os valdria aunque mataseis cien caballos: antes tendriais que haberlo hecho, que ahorea nos conocemos de sobra. It shows that the husbands actions have affected his wife, and now she will obey him. ¡Locos, insensatos! ¿Qué hacéis ahí? ❼ómo os atreveis a llegar a esta puerta? ¿No os da miedo hablar? Callaos, si no, todos moriremos, vosotros y yo! La mujer tells her relatives to beware not to disturb or husband, or else they will suffer the same fate as the animals. The quote is significant because el mancebo is trying to show (mostrar) his wife that he is crazy and to not mess with him and obey his commands, or else suffer the same fate.

lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios

El mancebo then kills the dog with la espada. Since the dog cannot understand what he is saying, the dog does not fetch el mancebo the water. 'If you want to take her off my hands, go for it' "Perro, danos agua para las manos" El mancebo is asking the dog to get water for his hands. His attitude towards their marriage is very negative, and he warns of the impending doom. "Por Dios, amigo, si yo autorizara esa boda sería vuestro peor amigo, pues tratándose de vuestro hijo, que es muy bueno, yo pensaría que le hacía grave daño al consentir su perjucio o su, muerte, porque estoy seguro de que, si se casa con mi hija, morirá, o su vida con ella será peor que la misma muerte" El padre de la mujer tells el padre del mancebo that if his son were to marry his daughter, he would find a fate worse than death.

Lo mas el moso de esta vida esta con dios